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New Learn and Earn Program


Free childcare is available with SIGN UP only

Free snacks and beverages

Free Selfcare Gift for Coming to Class in Person

Earn FREE Shop Passes, Gift Cards, and Entrance to Special Events...

How do you EARN Points and How Do You Redeem Them?


Points Scale

30 Minute Session = 10 Points

1 Hour Session = 15 Points

90 Minute Session = 20 Points

2 Hour Session = 25 Points

Workshops that are attended for 3 hours include lunch and a shopping pass. Shopping passes help clients get clothing and shoes for their families between appointments.

Earn Entry in our Toy Drive  

When you earn 500 points or more throughout the year, you will gain entry to our toy drive in 2024. You don't need to 'save your points,' as regardless of how many points you redeem for prizes, your points will still count towards this reward, reflecting your commitment to yourself and your family.


Redeeming Points

50 pts = 1 Shop Pass

50 pts =  E-Gift Card


Dirección de la tienda principal

5933 N. Washington Blvd 

Sarasota, FL 34243

Horas de donación en la ubicación principal 

Martes, miércoles, viernes y primer sábado de 9 a 11:30 a. m.

Horas de donación en Suncoast Community Church

Lunes-Jueves 8-4pm en la Oficina Principal

Domingo 9-11am en el Gran Salón

8000 Hawkins Rd., Sarasota, FL, 34241

Horas de voluntariado

Lunes, martes, miércoles, viernes y primer sábado de 8:45 a 12:30 p. m.

Horario comercial (solo con cita previa)

Martes, viernes y 1er sábado 9-11:15 am y 2do jueves. 5:30-8:15 p. m.

No abre los principales días festivos.

Para obtener informes financieros, visite nuestro perfil en The Giving Partner

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©2021 por Madres Ayudando a Madres

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