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Быть в курсе событий для матери очень важно. Mothers Helping Mothers предлагает клиентам бесплатные программы, которые помогут им найти правильный путь. Нажмите на изображение каждой программы, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию.

CARES Program

 Ready to Move from Survive to Thrive? 

Life can be challenging, but you don’t have to face it alone. That’s why we created the CARES program for our clients —empowering families from survive to thrive with the support of Mothers Helping Mothers and your CARES team coach.


Our goal is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to confidently handle whatever life throws your way. Graduating from the CARES program will not only equip you with valuable skills, but also prepare you for a better future.


Starting soon, all clients requesting financial assistance will be required to complete the financial literacy part of the CARES program to be eligible to apply —so why not get a head start now?

Here’s how it works:

  • Become a registered client and make an appointment to come shop. Then, you can join the program and receive personalized support: We’ll help connect you with community resources and, when appropriate, make referrals to other organizations on your behalf.

  • Complete a Financial Education program - You’ll have the option to participate in a short, self-paced financial literacy program designed to help you plan for life’s unexpected challenges. This program is flexible, easy to complete, and can be done remotely on your schedule.

  • Earn a reward gift card and Free Shop Pass to MHM on your journey to graduation in addition to a path to stability!

The CARES program is designed to fit your life and meet your needs. Are you ready to take the next step toward a brighter future? Let’s get started together!

Без названия

Адрес основного магазина:

5933 N. Washington Blvd 

Сарасота, Флорида 34243

Время пожертвований:

Основное местоположение MHM 

8:45–11:30 вторник, среда, пятница и 1-я суббота.месяца

Расположение Южного округа:

Общественная церковь Санкост

Понедельник-четверг с 8:00 до 16:00 в главном офисе церкви.

(белый дом на дороге)

8000 Hawkins Rd., Сарасота, Флорида, 34241

Волонтерские часы:

Понедельник, вторник, среда, пятница и 1-я суббота с 8:45 до 12:30.

и второй четверг вечером каждого месяца с 17:15 до 20:45.

Часы работы магазинов (только по предварительной записи)

Вторник, пятница и 1-я суббота с 9 до 11:15 и 2-й четверг. 17:30-20:15

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